
Three Years: A Reflection

Hi, everyone! This April marks three years of On The Pit Wall and I thought I’d write a special anniversary post to celebrate. This blog has served as a way to showcase my passion and writing. The culmination of countless hours of hard work, this project has been so dear to me. I have felt so honoured to have had such a positive start in this sport, with the wonderful opportunity to have learnt from and spoken to many talented individuals. In this article, I want to take the time to reflect on the years passed and thank those who have been a part of this process.

Adults often ask ‘What do you want to be when you’re older?’ From the age of 11, I wanted to figure it out. I looked through career catalogues and quizzes but no phase ever really stuck. 

During lockdown, I started to notice my father watching Formula 1. A long-time fan and lover of all things cars, my father’s enjoyment of the sport had always lingered in the background. Over the next couple of months, I found myself sitting down to watch the races. In what felt like no time at all, I started researching the sport further and exploring other series. 

Through the blog Females in Motorsport, I realised that a career in this sport could be a possibility. The nerves I felt on the formation lap, the goosebumps I got when a driver won in spectacular style – my passion for motorsport quickly became evident. Everyone around me was made aware: I don’t think I ever stopped talking about it. On a walk with my mother, she suggested I start a blog. It was something I’d been wanting to do for a while. Hearing it as a genuine recommendation from someone close to me gave me the courage to act on it.

In February 2021, I wrote my first article – my Top 5 moments of the 2020 F1 season. It was published on LiveJournal as a private post. Within twenty-four hours, I called my godmother to tell her the news. Without my knowledge, she wrote to the founder of Females in Motorsport, Helèna Hicks. What resulted was the incredible opportunity to write for their website. 

That kickstarted a hectic, wonderful 2021. Completely in awe of this sport, I conducted my first interviews and delved into opinion pieces. And that April, On The Pit Wall was born. Named by my dad (credit where credit is due), this site has become a platform through which I have developed a range of new skills. Ranging from web design to interviewing and conducting research to many attempts to figure out the ever-confusing Google Search Console – it’s been a learning process. But I have cherished every moment. Three years on, I still look forward to when I’m able to write and can’t stop beaming after interviews.

In this last section, I want to thank some of the people crucial to OTPW’s success. First, my kind godmother, for encouraging this passion and sending my work to Helèna. And then to Helèna and the Females in Motorsport team, for the writing opportunities and crucial advice. Thank you to every interviewee for their time and words, as well as to the blog’s readers for supporting this journey.

To my mother, for suggesting I start the blog, and my middle sister, who holds the title of proofreader. Thank you to my grandparents for all the sweet comments and enthusiasm. 

Last but not least, a huge thank you to my lovely father. He is always there to hear email drafts, blog ideas and read over each and every article. Without him, I would never have discovered a passion that has changed the course of my life.